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Officer Nominations

Being an officer on the board of a non-profit organization is a great way to get involved in the local craftbeer industry and play an active role in shaping the direction of our organization. There are four officer positions up for nominations. For a full description of the positions, please view our bylaws (

  • President - Presides over the board of directors and general membership

  • Vice President - Assist President in their duties, and preside over the education committee

  • Secretary - Keeps track of meeting minutes, voting, preside over the communication committee and the membership committee

  • Treasurer - maintains accounting books

Send your nominations The deadline is Saturday Nov. 14th at 5pm.

1. You must be a current Cervecero to nominate officers

2. An individual must be a Cervecero to be nominated

Elections will take place the first week in December (Dec 1st -7th), and an online ballot will be sent out through email. 


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